Yoga for Colds & Flu
Achoo! It's flu season. It's hard to stay moving when you are dealing with fever, aches, chills and respiratory problems. Here are a couple of sequences you can do together or separately to keep your lymph fluid moving a little to facilitate a quicker recovery. All of these poses can be done in bed! Keep the tissues handy to catch drippy noses.
YIN SECTION: noticing breath, non-judgment. With each breath, try to send energy to those parts that are complaining the most – nose, eyes, skin, belly, whatever.
Downward Facing -Frog ~ 3-5 minutes
Child's ~ 1 minute
Side Twist – 3 minutes each side (Laying on Back, Knees Rotating Together to one Side)
Deer ~3 minutes each side
Anahatasana Melting Heart ~ 3 minutes
Child's ~ 1 minute
Caterpillar – 5 minutes
Sphinx ~ 5 minutes
Saddle ~ 3 minutes
Happy Baby, 1 minute of free movement. Anything that needs to move. A few reps of Cat/Cow are great too.
Dandasana – Seated Staff Pose – 10 breaths
Reverse Tabletop – 3 repetitions of 3 breaths each
Janu Sirsasana – Forward Fold for 10 breaths on each side
Baradvajrasana – Gentle Twist of your choice, keeping a relaxed neck
Bridge/Wheel – Skip this one if you have respiratory issues that prevent comfortable breathing
Legs Up Wall – Stay in this one as long as it feels good
Child's Pose with Bolster
Foot Rub – Use your favorite lotion or a warm towel with scented oils.
Recline to Svasana, Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth 3-5 times, lions breath
Svasana – 10 minutes
Happy Healing! Don't forget lots of fluids, warm lightly cooked foods and rest rest rest! Love, Anna
I love your blog, Anna. This sounds like a great sequence. I will try it. Thanks!